(or, Useless Background Info)




I graduated from high school in 2000, and as a kind of graduation present my mother agreed to take me to the Gathering in Orlando.  We bought plane tickets, reserved the hotel, etc.  I was so excited! 


Then I got a letter from MIT, where I was going to be a freshman in September.  It turned out they have a summer program for incoming freshman, where you can live on campus and take pass/fail elective credit classes that are similar to the real courses you’ll take your first term, by way of preparation for real college life.  I’d be able to get used to living on campus, meet new friends, and get a head start on college classwork.  And it was free.  But you weren’t allowed to skip classes, and you weren’t allowed to leave for vacations. 


I, naturally, wanted to go to the Gathering, but being the sensible person I was I knew I *should* go to school.  So I made a sort of bargain with God; I told Him I’d apply for the program, and if I got in I would take it as a sign that that was what He wanted me to do.  (This seemed like a very logical plan of action at the time.)  So when I got in, I grumbled a lot and I went and I missed the Gathering. 


Since then, every year I’ve intended to go and never quite been able to pull it off.  Last year I started to design a pair of wings, only to run out of time to build them before the Gathering in NYC.  I was just about ready to write it off as a lost cause when one day I received an email from, mentioning that Disney was going to send a camera crew to the Gathering this year in Montreal.  They were actually taking note of the fans of the show, and I had a chance to be counted as one of them. 


So I considered.  My wings were still in pieces in my basement.  I’d just come back from a week in Florida and had no spending money left.  I hadn’t been online in ages, so none of the fans knew who I was.  Plane tickets to Montreal were running $350+, but the drive was 12-13 hours. 


But… Disney was paying attention! 


So I emailed my trusty sidekick, Annie.  “Hey…. Do you maybe want to go to Montreal?  In about five weeks?”  She thought I was crazy, but as usual we didn’t have anything else better to do.  So we broke out the wings.  Started sewing and engineering and hot-gluing things together.  And by some miracle it all came (mostly) together in time. 


Kaylle tries out some silver makeup by painting her nose.

Annie collapses from exhaustion on top of the wing frame. 


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Last updated August 15th, 2004.

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